You can touch and feel a clever A.I. postcard. 

    You can only          delete a        digital one. 

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Daily programmatic direct mail can influence a buyer's decision back to your website or into your brick and mortar location for incremental business that you can measure.

 Sales that you can take to the bank.  

You shouldn't have to look any further for a logical solution for the hundreds of potential customers that visit your website and fade into the hands of your competition. It’s a new marketing world.


 Customers have great intentions to buy from you. However, intentions don't equal sales. 

In 30 years of hands-on marketing experience, nothing has beat programmatic marketing for the cost-effectiveness.  It's easy to set up business rules to mail to only the addresses you desire to reach.
We have developed a truly remarkable A.I. Mailgram Postcard has a marketing channel all to itself.
Customer clicks on the site or VDP
We pick up their device ID though a pixel we set
That device is then converted into a home address
We send out a mailgram postcard the next day first class!
A customer receives an offer to go back online to finish what they started, or down to a brick and mortar store to redeem.

I believe A.I. marketing is 5-10 times more effective than traditional direct and is half the price of traditional digital re-targeting. I love the quick turnaround of digital, but you can't turn it off once you set it in motion. Customers can get tired of your ongoing retargeting efforts and banner ads.  They can now limit or turn off the ads that they receive through their browsers or service providers.
With A.I., you can control the mailgrams they get in their mailbox at home. You control the intensity or aggressiveness of offers on a daily basis. It really has created a new channel in marketing disruption to potential customers online.
Don’t let web traffic outsmart you. Use technology to take customers away from shopping. This technology is simple to apply, easy to change and can be paused anytime. 
It’s also easy to measure and report.
 Take my challenge and test this program for 90 days and see for yourself.

Bill Sattree
CEO Sattree, LLC